
Artbox Stories

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Artbox Alumni: Armenian Women Entrepreneurs in Art and Fashion

#Artbox Listicles
Meet the female founders behind Artuyt, DASEIN, Hovash, NENSI AVETISIAN, and AVAGYAN—remarkable brands committed to showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Armenia to the world.
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Made in Armenia: Gifts Created by Artbox Alumni

#Artbox Listicles

Ceramics, pastry, scarves, and more unique gift ideas by our Arbox Alumni to soothe your holiday gift anxiety

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Artbox Artists for Artsakh

#Artbox Listicles

Charitable initiatives by Artbox Alumni in support of the forcibly displaced people from Artsakh

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Carutsel: From Concept to Creation

#Fashion Brand

Another story of Artbox Incubator project.

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